Animal Services

Happy Tails

Many of our happy tails stories are made possible thanks to funds donated by our community. Donate to the Injured Animal Fund to help pets in our area get access to vaccinations, spay/neuter, medical care, and other essential supplies, that they might otherwise go without. 

Donate to the Injured Animal Fund


Lover Boy

Lover Boy the cat had sustained a severe injury to their back paw that required the paw to be amputated. His human, a veteran on limited income, had been seeking veterinary care but was unable to afford the surgery. Animal Services stepped in to provide financial support and collaborated with our partners at Nevada Humane Society who provided the amputation surgery Lover Boy desperately needed. Now, Lover Boy is back home healing and happy beside the person who loves him most. Read Lover Boy's full story here.


Magoo was suffering from bladder stones that could have been fatal if not treated. Lisa, his person, was unable to afford care for her beloved dog. With financial support from Washoe County Regional Animal Services, SPCA of Northern Nevada, and Options Veterinary Care. He was able to receive treatment and is now stone free!


Hazel, a 5 month old puppy, was attacked by another dog resulting in severe wounds that would require surgery. Animal Services was able to refer Hazel to Options Veterinary Care and provide financial support to help cover the cost of the bill. Hazel is now healed and happy to be home


Cazper the cat sustained a deep laceration on his paw which required surgery to repair. A surgery that his family was unable to afford. With funding from Animal Services and Shakespeare Animal Fund Cazper was able to be treated at Options Veterinary Care and fully recover.


Rosie was attacked by two dogs while on a walk and suffered multiple bites and lacerations. Rosie’s people were unable to get her seen due to lack of funds. Rosie was able to be seen at Options Vet with financial support from Animal Services and Options Veterinary Care.


Chester the Pug sustained a serious eye injury that would require his eye to be removed. With funding from Animal Services and Options Veterinary Care, Chester was able to receive the eye removal surgery he needed and is feeling much better!


At 13, Isabella the cat had developed arthritis in her hips, making it difficult to walk. Her human, a low-income senior, was able to get this kitty diagnosed and treated at Options Veterinary Care with financial support from Washoe County Regional Animal Services!


WCRAS was called by a Senior Advocate to check on the welfare of a dog that was ill or injured.  Officer Clinton Nelms responded and observed the dog, Pixie who was in respiratory distress.  He transported Pixie to Sierra Veterinary Specialists where she was immediately put on oxygen.  It was determined that she was in life threatening distress due to end stage congestive heart failure.  Officer Nelms was able to secure CARES funding to cover veterinary costs, but it was not realistic to prolong Pixie's life.  Officer Nelms had the heartbreaking task of notifying the elderly, homebound woman that her best friend needed euthanasia.  Pixie's owner had outlived her husband, her son and all of her friends and Pixie was all that she had left.  Unbeknownst to the owner, Officer Nelms coordinated a cremation and also had a photograph taken of Pixie and framed it for her.
When ACO Nelms returned Pixie's remains, framed photo and ceramic paw print to the owner to surprise her, she answered the door holding a pillow that Pixie slept on because it provided her comfort. She identified him as the guy who took her dog away.  When Clinton explained why he was there, the woman's demeanor immediately changed.  He provided her the items and she cried profusely with joy and hugged him repeatedly.  She has displayed Pixie in a special place where she can always see her.  She said she already feels less alone.
Officer Nelms showed incredible compassion by providing some comfort to a grieving woman who did not have anyone else but her dog for companionship, utilizing WCRAS' CARES program and his own funds.  This program enables WCRAS to step in to lend a hand to those that need it the most.

Tigger's Adventure

Tigger, an emotional support cat, slipped out a broken window screen from Mr. Pelletier’s home in August 2016. Mr. Pelletier filed a lost report with WCRAS but no one seemed to have seen Tigger. Two months went by when Officer Denning responded to a call of an injured cat in the area Mr. Pelletier’s home. The caller pointed out the cat stumbling near the building but unfortunately he went into a crawl space before she could catch him. Officer Denning set a humane cat trap and started knocking on doors in the area to see if she could find the owner. After several doors she came up to Mr. Pelletier’s door and learned that he was missing his cat for the last two months. The injured cat was the same color had the same collar. Eventually they were able to get the cat out of the crawl space and Officer Denning transported the cat to a local veterinarian. Tigger was anemic and dehydrated from two months of being lost. He required hospital care, blood tests, fluids and medication. Mr. Pelletier was on a fixed income and could not afford the medical bills to help Tigger. WCRAS utilized the C.A.R.E.S. donation funds to pay for Tigger’s medical bills. After the veterinarian released Tigger, he was microchipped and returned home to Mr. Pelletier. Both of them are quite happy to be reunited and the window screen is fixed so hopefully Tigger will not get out again.

India's Story

India was adopted in 2008 from an animal shelter in New Mexico.  India had suffered abuse prior to being brought to the shelter and was recovering from a broken jaw and was in poor overall health.  India was lucky to have been adopted by a caring, compassionate woman who adores her.  Unfortunately, India’s mom was injured in a car accident and became disabled.  Shortly after, India began having dental issues, possibly as a result of her previous jaw injury.  Without this program, India would not have been able to receive the necessary medical care that she needed to live a healthy, comfortable life.  “I’d be lost without her in my life.  She has been a joy and a blessing and makes me laugh every day. I sincerely thank you for your kindness for animals and their owners and for helping India to have a healthy life” says India’s mom.
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